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Goofing Around with XML and Type Hints


I was thinking again about data serialization in Python after reading an interesting post that suggests using functools.singledispatch as a way of encapsulating JSON encoding per datatype and it got me thinking again about XML.


A while back I wrote up this small utility method for serializing data to XML:

import dataclasses
import xml.dom.minidom

def to_xml(obj):
    def build(parent, obj):
        if dataclasses.is_dataclass(obj):
            for key in dataclasses.asdict(obj):
                tag = document.createElement(key)
                build(tag, getattr(obj, key))
        elif type(obj) == list:
            for elem in obj:
                tag = document.createElement(type(elem).__name__.lower())
                build(tag, elem)
        elif type(obj) == dict:
            for key in obj:
                tag = document.createElement(key)
                build(tag, obj[key])
            data = str(obj)
            tag = document.createTextNode(data)

    document = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
    build(document, obj)
    return document

It suffers a few limitations that I hand-waved away as being not worth the effort of fixing because I was happy enough with the results. Among the limitations are the glaring failure to handle non-dictionary types at the top-level. I can't remember why I did that but think it was just an oversight on my part because there's no good reason to do that. Secondly, the tag names produced by introspecting the type of bare lists means the output is inconsistent over different inputs:

>>> d = {'some_list': [1,2,3]}
>>> print(to_xml({'example': d}).toprettyxml(indent="  "))

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

>>> e = {'some_list': [1,2,3.0]}
>>> print(to_xml({'example': e}).toprettyxml(indent="  "))

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

An Alternative

I got to thinking that while it wouldn't be hard to replace the tags that are driven by introspection with a constant name like "value" or "item" I would prefer that as a fallback to something more explicit. I wondered if I could look for a type hint and use it as the tag name? My hope was that I could start to leverage type hints as more than just documentation and reflect them into the serialized data as well.

First up then, removing the need for the top-level dictionary type. The most obvious thing I could think of was to explicitly add the root element before recursing:

def to_xml(obj):
    def build(parent, obj):
        if dataclasses.is_dataclass(obj):
            for key in dataclasses.asdict(obj):
                tag = document.createElement(key)
                build(tag, getattr(obj, key))
        elif type(obj) == list:
            for elem in obj:
                tag = document.createElement(type(elem).__name__.lower())
                build(tag, elem)
        elif type(obj) == dict:
            for key in obj:
                tag = document.createElement(key)
                build(tag, obj[key])
            data = str(obj)
            tag = document.createTextNode(data)

    document = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
    root_tag_name = type(obj).__name__.lower()
    root = document.createElement(root_tag_name)
    build(root, obj)
    return document

Ahh, immediately at least a little better:

class Bar:
    qualities: list[str]

document = Bar(qualities=['poor', 'good', 'fair'])

doc = to_xml(document)

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Not quite pertinent to improving the XML serializer but I was pleased to learn that for categorical datatypes the use of an enumerated type already does "the right thing" (to my eye):

import enum

class Quality(enum.StrEnum):
    POOR      =
    FAIR      =
    GOOD      =

class Example:
    qualities: list[str]

document = Example(qualities=[Quality.FAIR, Quality.GOOD])

doc = to_xml(document)

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Addressing the list type tags though requires a touch more work. I went rummaging around the typing module and surfaced typing.get_type_hints which acts on functions, methods, modules, and classes. I'm admittedly a bit of a novice to the kind of introspection that the typing module relies on but adding an optional type hint argument to the internal build function allows for introspecting the type of an object to create tag names from in the case a type hint exists. The number of calls to type is probably higher than any other code I've written, which gives me a bit of pause but I think it isn't necessarily bad given the job it is performing. In the case there is no type annotation I also fallback to "item" rather than the list element type, so as to normalize expected outputs.

import typing
import dataclasses
import xml.dom.minidom

def to_xml(obj):
    def build(parent, obj, type_hint=None):

        if dataclasses.is_dataclass(obj):
            for key, value in dataclasses.asdict(obj).items():
                tag = document.createElement(key)
                build(tag, value, typing.get_type_hints(type(obj)).get(key))

        elif isinstance(obj, list):
            elem_type = None

            if type_hint and hasattr(type_hint, '__args__'):
                elem_type = type_hint.__args__[0]
                tag_name = elem_type.__name__.lower()
                tag_name = 'value'

            for elem in obj:
                tag = document.createElement(tag_name)
                build(tag, elem, elem_type)

        elif isinstance(obj, dict):
            for key, value in obj.items():
                tag = document.createElement(key)
                build(tag, value, typing.get_type_hints(type(obj)).get(key))

            data = str(obj)
            tag = document.createTextNode(data)

    document = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
    root_tag_name = type(obj).__name__.lower()
    root = document.createElement(root_tag_name)
    build(root, obj, typing.get_type_hints(type(obj)).get('obj'))
    return document

I'm not certain it is the most robust code for handling arbitrary input but it has been working surprisingly well in my testing. On the problem input from before:

... d = {'some_list': [1,2,3]}
... print(to_xml(d).toprettyxml(indent="  "))

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

... e = {'some_list': [1,2,3.0]}
... print(to_xml(e).toprettyxml(indent="  "))

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Still not the best on arbitrary dictionaries but at least the tag names don't vary. I think though it starts to shine when using with slightly better practices for handling types. If I would have used such a list of different types in a dataclass previously the type would have been something like: some_list: [int|float] which notably doesn't work with these recent changes1 because the Union type2 doesn't have a __name__ to derive the tag name. If however I expend slightly more thought I would probably pick a name for the type that better describes the domain. That might look like this (excusing the invented examples):

class Quality(enum.StrEnum):
    POOR      =
    FAIR      =
    GOOD      =

type Age = int | float

class Example:
    ages: list[Age]
    quality: Quality

document = Example(ages=[1,2,3.0,4], quality=Quality.FAIR)

doc = to_xml(document)

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Extending It

I would consider this to still be a bit rough and ready but when combined with the idea to use single dispatch as an extension mechanism I can start to see some real potential. Instead of using str in the final else clause of the build function it could invoke a single dispatch function over as-yet-undefined types.

Here it is functionally unchanged:

def to_serializable(value):
    return str(value)

def to_xml(obj):
    def build(parent, obj, type_hint=None):

        if dataclasses.is_dataclass(obj):
            for key, value in dataclasses.asdict(obj).items():
                tag = document.createElement(key)
                build(tag, value, typing.get_type_hints(type(obj)).get(key))

        elif isinstance(obj, list):
            elem_type = None

            if type_hint and hasattr(type_hint, '__args__'):
                elem_type = type_hint.__args__[0]
                tag_name = elem_type.__name__.lower()
                tag_name = 'value'

            for elem in obj:
                tag = document.createElement(tag_name)
                build(tag, elem, elem_type)

        elif isinstance(obj, dict):
            for key, value in obj.items():
                tag = document.createElement(key)
                build(tag, value, typing.get_type_hints(type(obj)).get(key))

            data = to_serializable(obj)
            tag = document.createTextNode(data)

    document = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
    root_tag_name = type(obj).__name__.lower()
    root = document.createElement(root_tag_name)
    build(root, obj, typing.get_type_hints(type(obj)).get('obj'))
    return document

This allows for arbitrary extension methods without requiring changes to the to_xml function itself. Here's a previous example for defining a datetime serializer:

def ts_datetime(value: datetime.datetime):
    return value.isoformat()


I remain a bit of a type skeptic when writing Python. The opt-in nature and ergonomics (they continue to feel bolted-on) leaves me less than thrilled. Additionally, the repeated experience with other people leaping to use every feature of the type checker as some kind of mental self-gratification exercise continues to be off-putting. That isn't entirely the fault of the language and I'm willing to be convinced so long as genuinely useful cases like this crop up.

I said something similar last time but I really think I'm close to done with this idea. There's just not that much cause to use XML! I have this horrible inclination to "finish" by realizing some way to include attributes into the serialized nodes, that would unlock the potential to do things like trying to declaratively match the output of all sorts of other tools. Not today though!

  1. Never mind the fact that using integers and floats together opens up all kinds of exciting possibilities for bugs
  2. Once again you'll have to excuse the example here, you probably wouldn't normally use this exact union because float encompasses ints to begin with. The demonstrated problem with the original serializer is more real though as a result because calling type over an integer in a list of floats certainly produced surprising results!